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Firefox modifications


# private-tmp does not work with kerberos (at least not when CCACHE it is stored in /tmp)
#ignore private-tmp

# To keep screen on when playing videos
#ignore nodbus

# private-tmp does not work with kerberos (at least not when CCACHE it is stored in /tmp)
ignore private-tmp

# Uncomment or put in your firefox.local to enable native notifications. org.freedesktop.Notifications
# Uncomment or put in your firefox.local to allow to inhibit screensavers org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver
# Uncomment or put in your firefox.local for plasma browser integration
dbus-user.own org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.plasma-browser-integration org.kde.JobViewServer org.kde.kuiserver

# To allow nss mymachines to query nspawn machine names
# Probably should be replaced by some other more specific rule though.
ignore dbus-system none

# Allow ICAClient to access its config etc.
whitelist ${HOME}/.ICAClient



# Workaround after spotify-client 1: that installs symlink for /usr/bin/spotify

#private-bin bash,cat,dirname,find,grep,head,rm,sh,spotify,tclsh,touch,zenity
private-bin bash,cat,dirname,find,grep,head,rm,sh,tclsh,touch,zenity
ignore private-bin

Also need to change firetools to launch /usr/share/spotify/spotify instead of /usr/bin/spotify which is now just a symlink

general/linux/firejail.1669367419.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/11/25 09:10 by sunkan

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