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Create USB Bootable Windows installation

Install “wimtools” so we can use wimsplit as the .wim file is usually too big for FAT32

Extract .iso

7z x Win10_21H1_English_x64.iso -owin10

Split install.wim (in 3GB parts, as it is enough to just get two parts )

cd win10/sources
win10/sources$ wimsplit install.wim install.swm 3000
Writing "install.swm" (part 1 of 2): 0 MiB of 4654 MiB (0%) written
Writing "install2.swm" (part 2 of 2): 2737 MiB of 4654 MiB (58%) written
Finished writing split WIM part 2 of 2

Remove install.wim

rm install.wim

Create partition table and filesystem

parted -s /dev/sde -- mklabel gpt
parted -s /dev/sde -- mkpart WIN10_EN fat32 1MiB -1
parted -s /dev/sde -- toggle 1 esp
mkfs.fat -n WIN10_EN /dev/sde1

Mount USB stick and copy files

mount /dev/sde1 /mnt
cd ..
cp --preserve=mode,timestamps -Rv * /mnt/
umount /mnt

Install from this USB drive

Due to the fact that install.wim is now split we need to launch Setup.exe manually.

Split a Windows image file

Choose “Repair your computer” and then start the “Command Prompt”.

Then find the drive that matches the USB stick (not X: as it is some runtime environment not the actual USB stick)

c:\setup.exe /installfrom:"C:\sources\install.swm"
general/linux/create_usb_bootable_windows_install.1636716924.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/11/12 11:35 by sunkan

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