Prefix list explained

Taken from

ip prefix-list just seq permit le 17

This particular prefix list matches prefixes of the form P/M (Prefix/Mask) that meet the following two conditions:

  1. P & /16 ==
  2. /16 ⇐ M ⇐ /17

Now, & /16 =, so the first condition is met. However, you have not indicated the mask of the prefix and that is crucial to say what subnets would match. If their mask was either /16 or /17 and they were allocated from the space, the prefix list would match. If the mask was different from these two values, the prefix list would not match.

In general, a prefix list of the form

ip prefix-list NAME permit|deny A.B.C.D/N ge L le U

matches all prefixes of the form P/M that meet the two following criteria:

  1. P & N == A.B.C.D (the prefix must be a subnet of the A.B.C.D/N)
  2. L ⇐ M ⇐ U (the mask of the prefix must be between L and U)

If the ge L argument is not used then the conditions are:

  1. P & N == A.B.C.D (the prefix must be a subnet of the A.B.C.D/N)
  2. N ⇐ M ⇐ U (the mask of the prefix must be between N and U)

If the le U argument is not used then the condition are:

  1. P & N == A.B.C.D (the prefix must be a subnet of the A.B.C.D/N)
  2. L ⇐ M ⇐ /32 (the mask of the prefix must be at least L)

If neither ge L nor le U are used then the prefix list evaluation is very simple: P must be exactly A.B.C.D and M must be exactly N.