Table of Contents

Lets encrypt using Dehydrated ACME client

Create config file for setting correct email sent to Lets encrypt

root@wrkm-www:/etc/dehydrated# cat /etc/dehydrated/conf.d/

# E-mail to use during the registration (default: <unset>)

Specify which domains to fetch certificates for


domain.example sub.domain.example
domain.example2 sub.domain.example2 sub2.example2

Modify example script for actions to be taken after cert renewal

Here an example that reloads apache when certificates are updated

--- /usr/share/doc/dehydrated/examples/  2018-04-25 23:22:40.000000000 +0200
+++     2019-08-20 07:53:59.533678877 +0200
@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@
     # Simple example: Use nsupdate with local named
     # printf 'server\nupdate add _acme-challenge.%s 300 IN TXT "%s"\nsend\n' "${DOMAIN}" "${TOKEN_VALUE}" | nsupdate -k /var/run/named/session.key
+    # Send mail when we are trying to update certificate
+    echo | mail root -s "Dehydrated deploy_challenge certificate ${DOMAIN}"
 clean_challenge() {
@@ -62,6 +65,12 @@
     # Simple example: Copy file to nginx config
     # cp "${KEYFILE}" "${FULLCHAINFILE}" /etc/nginx/ssl/; chown -R nginx: /etc/nginx/ssl
     # systemctl reload nginx
+    # Reload apache server when certificate(s) has been updated
+    /bin/systemctl reload apache2
+    # Send mail when we have succeeded with updating certificate
+    echo | mail root -s "Dehydrated deploy_cert certificate ${DOMAIN}"
 deploy_ocsp() {

Create script to be run by cron every day



# Try to renew Let's Encrypt certificates

set -u

/usr/bin/dehydrated -c --hook /etc/dehydrated/ > /dev/null

if [ $code -ne 0 ]; then
    echo | mail root -s "Dehydrated exited with non-zero status code ${code}"